
Predictors of youth psychopathology during COVID-19 in a community sample of youth exposed to various levels of perinatal maternal adversity

Maternal Adversity, Vulnerability and Neurodevelopment (MAVAN) is a Canadian prospective cohort (Montreal and Hamilton) of 590 mother-child dyads recruited between 2003 and 2014 with extensive face-to-face experimental assessments of mother, child, and mother-child interactions.

It is part of a larger project, the DREAM BIG Consortium, established to overcome a global pressing issue in producing replicable study findings by developing and refining methods to retrospectively harmonize data across several international longitudinal birth cohorts studying the impact of early adversity on the development of psychopathology across the lifespan.

This paper focuses on identifying predictors of resilience during COVID-19 in a community sample of youth exposed to various levels of perinatal maternal adversity (Voyer et al., 2024).

It is an attempt to shift the negative narrative surrounding mental health by highlighting the positive impact COVID may have had on some youth and why that might be so.

Other papers I have co-authored and soon-to-be published by the DREAM BIG lab include a paper on objective hardships (Wang et al., 2024) and psychological distress (Wang et al., 2024).

Our research was presented last May at a local conference in a symposium and a poster presentation (Voyer, 2025; Voyer, 2024; Wang et al., 2024).



  1. MAVAN Cohort
    Predictors of youth psychopathology and resilience during the pandemic
    C. Voyer
    92e Congrès de l’Acfas [accepted]
    May 5–9, 2025


  1. Resilience
    Predicting mental health problems and resilience in youth with early life adversity and pandemic-related stressors
    C. Voyer, X. Wang, F. Freddy-Ateba, A. Wazana, and D. P. Laplante
    May 5–9, 2024
  2. Youth Psychopathology
    COVID-related daily life changes and personal threats moderates the relationship between prenatal maternal adversity and youth mental health: The MAVAN longitudinal study
    X. Wang, C. Voyer, F. Freddy-Ateba, A. Wazana, and D. P. Laplante
    May 5–9, 2024
  3. Psychological Distress
    Interactive effect of prenatal adversity and COVID-19 hardship on youth psychological distress: Longitudinal study
    Y. Wang, C. Voyer, X. Wang, F. Freddy-Ateba, A. Brunet, and 2 more authors
    May 5–9, 2024
  4. MAVAN Cohort
    Impact of prenatal stress on youth mental health and resilience amidst the COVID-19 pandemic
    In D. P. Laplante (chair), Identifying pathways from prenatal exposure to adult mental health: MAVAN/MAVAN-R cohort
    C. Voyer
    34th Life History Research Society Conference (LHRS)
    May 29–31, 2024
  5. MAVAN Cohort
    COVID-related daily life changes and personal threats moderate the relationship between prenatal maternal adversity and youth mental health: The MAVAN longitudinal study
    X. Wang, C. Voyer, F. Freddy-Ateba, A. Wazana, and D. P. Laplante
    34th Life History Research Society Conference (LHRS)
    May 29–31, 2024