Améliorer la qualité de vie au travail chez les adultes vivant avec le TDA/H
Un programme Cerveaux@travail adapté pour améliorer la qualité de vie au travail des personnes atteintes d’un trouble déficitaire de l’attention/hyperactivité (TDAH) est actuellement en cours d’élaboration (Voyer et al., 2024).
Protocol ECR
Efficacy of an occupational intervention for quality of work life in ADHD: A randomized controlled trial protocol
Background: The Minds@Work-ADHD study aims to determine the efficacy of a new workplace intervention targeting psychological well-being. The current study will deliver a manualized group psychosocial intervention in adults living with a disability related to ADHD. Methods: The Minds@Work-ADHD study is a longitudinal cohort with a single-blind randomized controlled design. Eligible participants will be recruited from the general population and randomly assigned to either a control condition or an eight-week intervention. The primary outcome is quality of life at work, assessed at baseline, post-intervention, and at trimonthly follow-ups. Secondary outcomes will assess self-report measures of progress towards a personal goal, cognitive functioning at work, social and emotional abilities, work motivation and the quality of relations with members of their workplace. Conclusion: To our knowledge, this will be the first randomized controlled trial examining the effect of an occupational-psychosocial intervention in adults living with an ADHD-related disability.