La société moderne constate des disparités entre les compétences d’un individu et les compétences requises par les entreprises pour un poste spécifique, ce qui conduit à un marché du travail avec plus de postes vacants que de personnes désireuses et possédant les compétences pour les occuper. Il est donc important que les conseillers en employabilité comprennent les compétences professionnelles existantes des chômeurs afin de mieux aider et soutenir leurs clients à réintégrer le marché du travail.
Un outil d’évaluation a été développé en laboratoire pour obtenir une évaluation plus complète des compétences professionnelles d’un individu afin de mieux aider les conseillers en employabilité à soutenir leurs clients. La validité et la fiabilité de l’outil sont actuellement testées (Voyer et al., 2024).
Compétences du futur
Development and validation of the Contemporary Workplace Skills Inventory (CWSI) for the post-pandemic workforce in a French-Canadian sample
The COVID-19 pandemic brought in a multitude of global economic changes, particularly in skilled labor shortages. In response to contemporary changes in the job market and required skills, this study aimed to develop and validate the psychometric properties of a new assessment tool which measures workplace skills. A preliminary 32-item pool was administered to 230 participants, resulting in ten initial factors covering skills like professional development, communication, critical thinking, and inclusivity. Exploratory factor analyses showed that all factors independently explained variance, totaling 64.34% (eigenvalues > 1, factor loading > .3). After removing unstable factors (n = 4), items with no loading (n = 3), and cross-loading items (n = 1), the final 26-item self-report inventory with five factors showed good reliability (internal consistency α = .83; test–retest reliability r = [.34–.76], except for one factor, r = .13). This tool is reliable and valid for local employability organizations to assess future-oriented skills among their clientele. Further refinement is suggested for a comprehensive measurement of workplace skills, enabling targeted interventions for skills gaps and supporting the re-entry of unemployed individuals into the labor market.
@unpublished{voyerFutureWorkSkills2024,title={Development and validation of the Contemporary Workplace Skills Inventory (CWSI) for the post-pandemic workforce in a French-Canadian sample},author={Voyer, Chloé and Deng, Jiaxuan and Sauvé, Geneviève},year={2024},month=oct,type={Manuscript in preparation},}